Headache Treatment and Bowen Technique Intervention

Natural Therapist

Sean Johnson

Bowen Therapy is used for stress release and headache treatment. This image was taken in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Bowen Therapy
The Bowen technique is very popular for headache treatment and stress realease. This image was taken in Johannesburg, South Africa
Bowen Technique
Bowen Therapy and especally the Bowen technique works fMigraine sufferers always feel the onset of that dreaded headache. Their vision becomes blurred and then a throbbing headache sets in. Many migraine sufferers also experience bouts of nausea and extreme sensitivity to light. This image was taken in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Headache treatment with Bowen Therapy

There are many different types of headaches - all have different causes, different symptoms and require different forms of treatment. With Bowen Therapy, headache sufferers will find relief from their pain.
The Bowen Technique adopts different treatments for different types of headache. Some headaches need more targeted pressure point healing techniques to realign and rebalance the body. Others may require practitioners to target overall posture problems. The number of treatments will depend on the type of headache – some experience relief after just two or three sessions, while others require longer courses to rectify the situation.
Let’s take a look at some of the more common causes of headaches.

The Sinus Headache

Sinus sufferers know all about a sinus headache. This condition causes constant headaches and deep pain across the forehead, sometimes spreading across the bridge of the nose and cheeks. A stuffy head that feels as if it wants to explode, watery and itchy eyes and a swollen and tender face are common symptoms. Sinus headaches can also cause a fever. Instead of turning to over-the-counter remedies or prescription drugs from the doctor, people who opt for Bowen Therapy will experience pressure point healing moves that concentrate on the upper respiratory system and clear up congestion, sometimes very quickly!

The Migraine Headache

Migraine sufferers always feel the onset of that dreaded headache. Their vision becomes blurred and then a throbbing headache sets in. Many migraine sufferers also experience bouts of nausea and extreme sensitivity to light. They have to lie down in a darkened room until the headache abates. Migraines can last for days, leaving the sufferer feeling debilitated and fatigued. Women are more prone to migraine headaches because they are often associated with menstrual cycles.
Alternative healing remedies such as acupuncture and homoeopathy can help alleviate migraines but so too can Bowen Therapy. A research study in the UK proved that Bowen Therapy is a successful migraine combatant. Thirty-nine migraine headache sufferers underwent three Bowen Therapy treatments over a two-week period. This was followed by a month of observation after which 80% of the participants either experienced a decrease in the severity of the headache, a decrease in the frequency of the migraine attack, or both.

The Rebound Headache

The rebound headache is also known as the Medication Overuse Headache (MOH). That occurs when the body becomes immune to the tablets taken to fight the headache. While people may be aware that they are taking too much medication, they do not realise that overuse can lead to more severe headaches. With Bowen Therapy, practitioners treat the cause of the headache and slowly wean their patients off medications. Both the severity and frequency of the headache will subside.

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