Bowen Therapy Revolutionises Treatment of Neck and Shoulder


Neck Pain

An increasing number of South Africans are finding that Bowen Therapy is a revolutionary method for treating neck and shoulder pain. Practitioners claim that the Bowen Therapy Technique will result in a far quicker turn-around time than most other pain relief remedies. The Bowen Therapy Technique is a soothing, gentle and non-intrusive treatment for the release of pain associated with tension build-up.

Tension Release

Practitioners use a series of pressure point healing techniques that target tense muscles and tight tendons. These periods of pressure point healing's are alternated with shorts periods of “rest” to allow the body to absorb the treatment and to begin the self-healing process. Unlike other more invasive medical practices such as chiropractic therapy, the Bowen technique does not impose any harmful risks to the body.

Safe Form Of Therapy

With alternate options like chiropractic therapy bringing a risk of tears to major arteries, or sudden injuries due to forced manipulation, Bowen Therapy relies on very subtle and gentle movements that don’t pose a risk to your body. It is a safe form of therapy from infants to the elderly
Natural Therapist

Sean Johnson

Bowen Therapy can realign your body very quickly. Bowen therapy works well with peple with Neck pain and Shoulder pain. This Image was taken in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Bowen Therapy
The Bowen technique is very popular Neck pain relief. This image was taken in Johannesburg, South Africa
Bowen Technique
Bowen Therapy and especally the Bowen technique works for a number of body ailments including Neck pain and Shoulder pain. This image was taken in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Study Confirms Efficacy of the Bowen Therapy

Several years ago, a study endorsed the efficacy of Bowen Therapy to treat neck and shoulder pain. Conducted over a six-week period, the study examined 31 patients suffering from neck and shoulder pain. After Bowen Therapy, 90% of the patients reported significant reductions in pain levels.

Other benefits of The Bowen Therapy Technique enjoyed by the study-group included improved levels of:
• Energy
• Mobility
• Sleep
• Wellbeing
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Bowen Therapy is a therapeutic technique that clears muscular, postural and Neck and Shoulder pain and can be treated with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. This Image was taken in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Common Symptoms of Neck and Shoulder Pain

Further studies have shown that one-in-five people suffer from neck and/or shoulder pain at some stage in their lives.

Common symptoms of these ailments include:
• General aches and pains
• Headaches
• Stiff neck
• Sharp pain
• Tingling, numbness or weakness
Trouble gripping or lifting heavy objects

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While alternative therapies such as exercise and yoga may help to reduce neck and shoulder pain, there are few treatments that are as rejuvenating and relaxing as the Bowen Therapy Technique. This image was taken in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Bowen Therapy Technique
Instead of doctors and chiropractors, people who undergo treatment with Bowen Therapy have eliminated their neck and shoulder pain problems. Clinical studies add clout to the claim that Bowen Therapy is an effective, cost-saving and safe treatment not only in the reduction of neck and shoulder pain but also in its efficacy to eliminate the ailment. It is now widely used worldwide, including in South Africa, as a popular alternative treatment for this ailment.

While alternative therapies such as exercise and yoga may help to reduce neck and shoulder pain, there are few treatments that are as rejuvenating and relaxing as the Bowen Therapy Technique.

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Bowen and Oxygen Therapy in Johannesburg
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